Plastic surgery is about restoring function as well as form.
Reconstructive procedures are undertaken after congenital or birth defects,  cancer removal, or injury-[both acute, or patients suffering from chronic sequlae thereof]
Depending on the magnitude of the case-they might be staged, and performed in collaboration with other disciplines.
A few examples of these are:
  • Dermatological Surgery-removing skin cancers and closing the skin to give the best result-especially in special areas-[eyelids,lips,nose,ears-any facial tumours] or other areas of concern over the neck/back/trunk/limbs
  • Skin grafting-post injury or cancer-although we prefer ...
  • Flaps[replacing the defect with surrounding tissue or tissue with similar consistency from elsewhere in the body]
  • Hand surgery-from finger replants post accident to carpal tunnel release or crush injury repairs, tendon/nerve repairs.
  • Ear surgery-for prominent/protruding ears
  • Breast-reconstruction post cancer
  • Lower leg/foot-reconstruction post tumour or trauma with eg bone/fracture site exposed.
  • Congenital-babies born with cleft lips/palates/congenital hand abnormalities/vascular malformations.
  • Head and neck-floor of mouth,tongue,jaw cancers [reconstruction after removal by an ENT surgeon
  • Facial fractures-cranial,orbital,or zygomatic[cheek bone ]fractures.
For further information-please contact me.