These are typically removal of lumps, bumps, moles, and skin cancers.
Scars may also be revised, as can small skin grafts be performed.
The usual referral pattern is via a family practitioner/dermatologist, however
should you notice a lesion that has not subsided, this warrants examination
Minor removal of eg moles can be done in the rooms-I use a technique called a shave biopsy , which does not use any heat or chemicals to damage underlying tissue so the best possible scar is achieved, this is done after local anaesthetic[numbing the area with a small injection similar to one used on dental procedures]
Wounds are closed preferably with local skin "flaps" eg "rhomboid" or "bilobed" flaps
and the scars are hidden in natural lines, These are preferable to skin grafts in most
cases, however in some cases, grafts are unavoidable.
This will be discussed individually according to the case performed
Scars improve after 3 months[covered in my "patient information section" menu]